
Australian Astronaut first IPSEC appearance with international Astronaut panel session

We welcome Australian Astronaut Katherine Bennell-Pegg back to Australia in Space TV on her first appearance at IPSEC.

In 2023, as an employee of the Australian Space Agency, Katherine was invited by the European Space Agency (ESA) to undertake Basic Astronaut Training in Germany, becoming the first international astronaut candidate to do so.

In 2007, Katherine graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Aeronautical Engineering (Space) and a Bachelor of Science (Advanced) – Physics from the University of Sydney. She kept busy during her studies, completing internships as a mechanical engineer, as a physics researcher, and later, working as a computer programmer. She was also an Australian Army Reservist, a volunteer in the NSW SES, and travelled to India with Engineers Without Borders.

Upon graduation, Katherine became Australia’s first female astronaut. She is also the first person to train as an astronaut under the Australian flag.

Katherine participated in the Astronaut panel session in the opening plenary session of the Indo-Pacific Space and Earth Conference (IPSEC) 2024 which took place in Perth, Western Australia during WA Space Week 26-28 November, alongside the Asia Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum.

IPSEC brings together leading experts, innovators, and industry professionals to explore the intersection of space technology and terrestrial applications. This high-profile event is a key gathering for professionals from diverse sectors, including mining, agriculture, cyber, defence, AI, environmental management, and more.

With a focus on cross-sectoral collaboration, IPSEC will address how emerging space technologies are transforming industries on Earth. The conference will feature a stellar lineup of over 100 speakers and panellists from global space agencies such as NASA and JAXA, as well as high-ranking industry leaders.

Principal Partner is the Western Australian Department of Jobs, Science, Tourism & Innovation and Foundation Sponsor Business Events Perth.

Register interest

Register interest to attend the IPRAAC 2025. More details will be announced soon.
